everything on this blog has been originally written by me. this is just where I can put down all my little rants and poems and perspectives I have on life. I have them all in a journal but I wanted them online someplace too. they aren't really meant to be read by others but if one or two catches your attention, by all means enjoy yourself. :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


there is lots of things I like about summer.
I like the warm weather.
I like how you can wear flip-flops and shorts and tank tops.
everything looks prettier in the summer.
there's no school and you get a summer tan.
you get to go to the beach and smell like sunscreen.
slurpees always taste better in the summer.
summer has lots of bright colors.
the wind is warm and the trees are very green.
you can run through the sprinkler.

I also hate summer, because it makes me miss winter.

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