everything on this blog has been originally written by me. this is just where I can put down all my little rants and poems and perspectives I have on life. I have them all in a journal but I wanted them online someplace too. they aren't really meant to be read by others but if one or two catches your attention, by all means enjoy yourself. :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the ocean.

the waves
just wash ashore.
sometimes crashing down,
sometimes slowly creeping out
then, right back in again.
as if they were shy.
but they always come back.
the waves never stop coming.
they're always there, always
will be.
they go on forever and ever.
just as vast as the ocean.
how big it is,
how strong and powerful,
how soft and gentle and soothing,
how colorful and unique,
how controlled-
but as free as can be.
the ocean,
a home to many,
a comfort to some,
a job, a vacation,
a place to be.
its always there,
a roadblack- sometimes trouble.
a roadway- opening doors.
traveling far, far away.
how big is the ocean?
with all the waves of the sea...

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