everything on this blog has been originally written by me. this is just where I can put down all my little rants and poems and perspectives I have on life. I have them all in a journal but I wanted them online someplace too. they aren't really meant to be read by others but if one or two catches your attention, by all means enjoy yourself. :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


out there.
there is a lot of space.
don't you wonder what would happen if
you oculd fall off the earth?
would you just keep falling and falling?
how far would you fall?
what if you had a bungee cord and
bungee-jumped off the earth?
you would fall and fall and then spring
right back!
I would like to bungee jump into space
and touch a star.
I would collect some sparkley star dust.
and I would visit pluto, and stick a sticker
on him that said "you're awesome just the way you are"
and then I would come back to earth.

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