everything on this blog has been originally written by me. this is just where I can put down all my little rants and poems and perspectives I have on life. I have them all in a journal but I wanted them online someplace too. they aren't really meant to be read by others but if one or two catches your attention, by all means enjoy yourself. :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the blues.

blue is the color of the ocean,
the sailor's salty sea.
home to many,
seagulls flock the beach
snow on a summers day.
the sand between your toes
and the wind in your hair.
everything's out of place-
but as pretty as a picture.
the warm tast in the air.
and the smell of the sun
beating down on the earth
not a cloud in the sky,
as the sun sets slowly,
and the water- far away
turns to a reflection of the sky.
the deep blue, the big blue,
the blue, blue sea.


seconds, minutes, hours
go by.
days, weeks, months, years
go by.
time flies past us.
time creeps up slowly.
time is always time.
living in time,
the good times, the bad times.
time keeps going,
never stops, never starts.
time has, time is, time will
have a good time!
time is important.
or is it?
don't be late! manage your time wisely!
if time is always there, don't we have enough?
won't we have enough?
there is never enough time.
so enjoy it while you can.
time out, time in
time everywhere.
it took some time to write this,
but I'd say...
it was time well spent!


I love fall.
its my favourite season.
the leaves on the trees change
red, orange, yellow, brown.
then they fall to the ground.
and you can step on the crunchy ones.
the wind blows around,
back to school means new beginnings.
fall coats, hats, boots and scarves.
fall drinks, and starbucks.
pumpkin pie, thanksgiving, apple cider.
corn mazes, cloudy skies.
with christmas and snow- just around the corner,
but still have time to carve a pumpkin or two.
sharpened pencils, brand new pens,
ready for school all over again.
summer's gone, and the tan lines fade away like
the memories.
and there's a cool chill
in the air.

the ocean.

the waves
just wash ashore.
sometimes crashing down,
sometimes slowly creeping out
then, right back in again.
as if they were shy.
but they always come back.
the waves never stop coming.
they're always there, always
will be.
they go on forever and ever.
just as vast as the ocean.
how big it is,
how strong and powerful,
how soft and gentle and soothing,
how colorful and unique,
how controlled-
but as free as can be.
the ocean,
a home to many,
a comfort to some,
a job, a vacation,
a place to be.
its always there,
a roadblack- sometimes trouble.
a roadway- opening doors.
traveling far, far away.
how big is the ocean?
with all the waves of the sea...


there is lots of things I like about summer.
I like the warm weather.
I like how you can wear flip-flops and shorts and tank tops.
everything looks prettier in the summer.
there's no school and you get a summer tan.
you get to go to the beach and smell like sunscreen.
slurpees always taste better in the summer.
summer has lots of bright colors.
the wind is warm and the trees are very green.
you can run through the sprinkler.

I also hate summer, because it makes me miss winter.


out there.
there is a lot of space.
don't you wonder what would happen if
you oculd fall off the earth?
would you just keep falling and falling?
how far would you fall?
what if you had a bungee cord and
bungee-jumped off the earth?
you would fall and fall and then spring
right back!
I would like to bungee jump into space
and touch a star.
I would collect some sparkley star dust.
and I would visit pluto, and stick a sticker
on him that said "you're awesome just the way you are"
and then I would come back to earth.