everything on this blog has been originally written by me. this is just where I can put down all my little rants and poems and perspectives I have on life. I have them all in a journal but I wanted them online someplace too. they aren't really meant to be read by others but if one or two catches your attention, by all means enjoy yourself. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


when something is missing,
you miss it.
and when you miss something,
it's missing.
so when I miss you,
it means
you're missing
from my life.

waitin in line.

waiting in line,
is a difficult, tricky and hard task
to manage
and accomplish.
I mean, first of all, it's having to choose which line to stand in.
and then once you've finally decided which line is the shortest,
and which line includes the people with the least number of items...
you get in line to wait.
and wait.
and wait.
and then you realise that when you look over to the cashier next to you,
and their line is moving way faster then yours.
but it's too late to switch over now.
or so you think...
because then the person before you can't decide whether they want
all their items bagged or not.
and then after they decide to go with bags, the cashier tells them it will cost them an extra 5 cents, so then they decide to switch back to no bags.
and then they have to run and get another item because the one they choose doesn't have a barcode number.
and then they insist to pull out and use every single coupon they've cut out of the newspaper.
and you look over to the line you should have switched over to but you thought it would be too late to, and it's got a whole new line of people...and you realise that if you had switched over, you would have been long gone already.
and just when you're about to pull out all your hair (or the hair that belongs to the person in front of you)
you realise you have forgotten your wallet at home,
and have just wasted 3801729837401824375123 hours...
waiting in line.


can seem so big,
so much to do, so much to see
or not, much at all?
can you only see or do so much?
can seem very small,
not ever enough time
to do everything you want to.
or can you?
has been given a life
has been given a beginning and an end.
some may not be having a life though.
a gift? a right?
some people want more life
some peopole want none
some people don't care about life at all.
there is a purpose to everyones' life
there is a reason that we all live
some search long and hard
for their purpose.
when all along,
it's right there in front of them.
life is funny sometimes
it can play silly tricks on us.
can seem so big, can seem so small...
what can I say, it's life!


everything is numbered.
numbers are
made of nothing...
but also,
they make up everything.
they are important,
but can be annoying too.
they are everywhere
and nowhere
they aren't the same as words,
but words can spell them
and numbers can count
the letters to spell the number.
a word or a number?
(with three/3 letters I might add)
and is number a number? or a word?
or a number of words?
numbers never end,
and they may never start...
numbers, numbers, numbers
what would we do without them?