everything on this blog has been originally written by me. this is just where I can put down all my little rants and poems and perspectives I have on life. I have them all in a journal but I wanted them online someplace too. they aren't really meant to be read by others but if one or two catches your attention, by all means enjoy yourself. :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

how lovely

lovely love.
how could someone hate love?
or love hate?
you should love, love.
and hate, hate.
maybe that's the problem.
if we all loved love,
and hated hate,
would the world be a better place?
then all the love would be together,
and all the hate would stay together.
and the wouldn't meet each other at all.
I think things get messy when
love and hate collide.
which is why love/hate relationships
never work you see.
why is there both love AND hate in this world?
what if there was just love?
or just hate?
but there is both, so people disagree.
and things get messy.
love and hate.
hate and love.
I would love to have a lovely love.

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