everything on this blog has been originally written by me. this is just where I can put down all my little rants and poems and perspectives I have on life. I have them all in a journal but I wanted them online someplace too. they aren't really meant to be read by others but if one or two catches your attention, by all means enjoy yourself. :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

lock and key

a key.
hangs on a chain
no one knows
what it holds
but me.
some don't even notice
others, don't care.
its apart of me.
its apart of who I am.
its the only access
its the only door
to the old memories,
to the new beginnings,
it unlocks the door of a life
my life.
no one knows
what it means,
what it holds.
a key
hangs on my heart.

the jitters.

fuzzies, tickles, tingle-ys,
butterflies in you tummy
nervous, nauceous,
can't wait can wait.
come now, come never.
its all about now or never.
scared, kind of
shaky, sweaty palms.
shuffling feet
any moment now
its almost here.
brain freeze,
give it all you got.
go out there,
jump anyway,
adrenaline rush
keep you going
till the end.
its over already?
lets do this again!

forever and ever ?

forever and ever.
and ever and ever and ever.
how long IS that?
how long will forever take?
am I living in forever,
or have I not reached it yet?
forever. and ever. and ever.
is there a beginning to forever?
what about an end?
the end is too soon,
but too far away.
it may never come,
but I know I'll die
is never the opposite of forever and ever?
if never happens never, ever.
and if forever happens forever, ever.
forever ever will never ever end.
and never ever will forever be never.
I know how to end never!
just never ever end forever and ever.
because forever is forever.
and ever.
and ever and ever and ever and ever
and ever and ever and ever and ever
and ever and ever and ever and ever
and ever and ever and ever and ever
and ever and ever and ever and ever
and ever and ever and ever and ever
and it never ever ever ends, and ever
and ever and ever and ever and ever
and ever and ever and ever and ever
and ever and ever and ever and ever